Why go for buying Customized seats for RE Twin

Royal Enfield is a big name in automobile industry. This brand is synonym of prestige due to which many passionate want to own it. There are limited benchmark models this company has launched namely, RE Classic 350 and 500cc, Bullet, Meteor 350cc, Interceptor and GT Continental 650cc, Himalayan but all of them have been appreciated by the patrons.

Why Royal Enfield RE Twin still a hot topic?

Even after more than three years of launch, Royal Enfield Twin bike is a topic of discussion. This is because it is one of the preferred choices of many bike enthusiasts. Whenever there is a new launch that happens in 650cc segment, irrespective of brand, it is being compared with both models of RE Twin that is GT Continental and Interceptor.

Why Royal Enfield twins are being constantly modified by Riders?

Based in India, Royal Enfield is an international brand. This company has launched GT 650 and Interceptor 650 in 650cc segment which is quiet popular worldwide. Royal Enfield enthusiasts not only look forward to own this beauty but modifications are prominently seen as they connect with this bike. The reason they choose twin for modification is due to its simple construction and thus it’s easy to make changes in it.