Check the list of Royal Enfield bikes that may be launch soon in FY22: Check the list.

It is expected that Royal Enfield is going to launch the super amazing shotgun bike in the Indian market. They are trying to launch that in the last months of 2021 or maybe in 2022 first month. The royal enfiled company is also testing a new mid-displacement parallel-twin laid-back cruiser that may be named Shotgun 650. The official name is not decided or yet to be revealed.

Royal Enfield Classic 350, Royal Enfield Hunter 350

Royal Enfield plans to develop a new and exciting range of new motorcycles in India, and the company plans to launch the maximum number of new motorcycle models in FY22.

According to the Royal Enfield CEO Vinod Dasari, they will launch the highest number of new models in the market this year. And according to them, this is the beginning, and later on, they will add more.

But still, there is no official date and confirmation regarding motorcycle launches as the company gave only hints regarding that. According to the company, they will launch very big models this year. Because of the covid they didn’t launch their products as they are planning to continue the criteria of launching a new model every quarter. According to Vinod Dasari, this is very exciting for everyone as they started marketing their product. And all the bikes come with new royal En-field accessories as well. so, if you want to know more about the accessories for royal Enfield, then you can visit

Check out the list of upcoming latest Royal Enfield bikes:

2021 Royal Enfield Classic 350: The Classic 350 motorcycle will be revealed very soon, and the motorcycle has been dotted, being tested from so long

Royal Enfield Hunter 350:  This Royal Enfield has been testing a 350 cc, this scrambler-oriented bike, but the official name of this bike hasn’t been revealed yet.

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